1st October
Today at Get with the Program, we’d like to thank local business as well as local and online communities.
We’re still beavering away with our remote Eco Coding show, and are due to deliver the first one on 14th October - wish us luck! One day we’ll have a teaser ready to show you …. (Also - a reminder that’s socially distant laminating’s happening next week if anyone wants to help - see previous post!)
However, I just wanted to shout out to all the local businesses, friends and others that have helped us get to where we other, through donations, discounts, collaborations, freebies, advice, networking, recommendations, contacts and general moral support!
Thank you one and all (and apologies to any I forget the first time round - will edit as I think of more!) I’m going to try and put them in the order they helped - although I’m sure I’ll get it wrong too!
Many thanks to ……
Rachel Riley Photography https://www.facebook.com/rachelrileyphotography.co.uk/ Louise Walker Costumes Wynn Creative Brand Design Greenbee Gardening https://www.facebook.com/greenbeegardening/ Louise Barnett PR Cammotion Cameras Creative Seed Communications Captured Moment Photography https://www.facebook.com/CapturedMomentFleet/ Fleet Scoop Zero Waste Shop Reszo Digital Marketing STEMConnext Enterprise M3 Growth Hub Jeanne Fox Art Trademark Tribe Intellectual Property Solicitor Angela Bishop Photography Ballard Down Consulting Hart Voluntary Action Action Hampshire Winchester Science Centre Church Crookham Parish Council WilderLight Video Production STEM Learning Vitamin C Business Consulting and Coaching https://www.facebook.com/Vitamin-C-Ltd-245863945565126/ Captive8 Media Video Production Ready2Print Printers
We live in a great community - Get with the Program is a huge advocate of encouraging this spirit, utilising community support where we can (both locally and online), and helping build each other up!
PS Facebook is not entirely cooperating right now ..... I did @ all the groups I could so they were tagged, (and pasted a link to the fb pages I didn’t know the handle for) .... but it’s just deleted all the tags for a second time! Will try and put them back in when there’s a quiet moment!