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We've Gone Global!


Updated: May 17, 2021

Our Christmas Coding Pantomime, supported by government funded STEM Learning (who support the Winchester Science Centre’s STEM Learning Hub, STEM NOW) has gone global!!

The numbers started yesterday mid morning as: Requests for the film: 336 of which schools are 261 Total estimated viewers: 35,465

Then last night after the STEM Learning national campaign it has a massive jump to: Requests for the film: 1203 of which schools are 966 Total estimated viewers: 110,572

This morning we had requests come in from the US, Australia, New Zealand, Estonia, Belgium, Fiji (!) and more.

The last message we received was: Update (but it’s literally changing by the minute): 1374 schools, 153,959 viewers


Think this is what they call ‘going viral’!!

None of this would have been possible without the awesome skills of Shona Dutta Charlton and the slick film she has directed and edited for us.

Thank you so much Shona, for giving up so much of your time to this project - "think of the children"!!!

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